Fierce Self Compassion


Saturday’s EWP session with Kristin Neff, PhD, & Sunny Smith, MD was AMAZING.

Re: self compassion & saying words of kindness & support to yourself, I thought I’d share a magnet on my fridge that I bought years ago.

Words Matter.
Self talk matters.

Having fierce self compassion is so important & so needed in our profession of medicine.

Similar to using positive discipline for children, positive self talk for ourselves is essential.

Examples from Dr. Kristen Ness, PhD:
You’re ok just as you are.
I’m here for you.
You are doing the best you can.
I care about you & I want you to be well.

Say something similar to yourself – photo of my magnet below to give you further ideas, examples, inspiration. 💕

If our thoughts drive our feelings & our actions, then let’s fill our minds with positive affirmations, and cumulatively create that ripple effect of needed change!

Give yourself the kindness you need & deserve. Model it for others, & together we will change the world. ❤️💖❤️

#FierceSelfCompassion #MamaBearFierce #EWP #EmpoweredWomenEmpowerWomen #WomenInMedicine #EmpoweringWomenPhysicians
From: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
by Charlie Mackesy

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