MOC/ board certification – does it even matter anymore?

I’m a pediatrician that started practicing BEFORE MOC existed, when being board certified actually meant something. Being a “board certified physician” meant you had passed the equivalent to a PhD thesis: you had finally reached a pinnacle in your medical career. After a minimum of 11 YEARS of higher education, graduating medical school and completing … More MOC/ board certification – does it even matter anymore?


12/29/21 Scrolling Twitter this morning, I learned of this article, Curiosity, written by Dr. Faith T. Fitzgerald, MD, who recently passed away at the age of 78y/o. Dr. Fitzgerald’s article beautifully describes the blending of art and science that is true Medicine. “Curiosity” is well worth the read, and truly articulates the practice of Medicine … More Curiosity

It Takes A Village

12/18/21 Please hug your loved ones. ❤️ Reach out to your neighbors. Hold each other close. Watch out for others. Ask if they’re ok, and listen, really listen, to their answer. It takes a village. 💕 After the postpartum death of a Minneapolis doctor, it takes a village to feed her son Sharing in memory … More It Takes A Village

Physician Suicide Is Closer Than You Think

with Dr. Michelle Chestovich, Doctors Changing Medicine Podcast, by Dr. Una, Episode 32, 12/1/21. This is perhaps one of the MOST IMPORTANT PODCAST episodes ever created. If you are a physician or know a physician (which is pretty much everyone because we’re ALL patients!) PLEASE LISTEN. Then reach out and ask your colleagues, your … More Physician Suicide Is Closer Than You Think

A Year Later, 20 months on the Frontline

11/16/21 I wrote “From Frontline “Heros” to the Last line of Defense” one year ago today, on 11/16/2020. Prior to SAFE and EFFECTIVE #COVID19vaccines, recently FDA EUA APPROVED for everyone ages 5y/o & older, being widely & readily available. I honestly thought, as did many of my physician colleagues, that we’d be in a very … More A Year Later, 20 months on the Frontline

Fierce Self Compassion

10/31/21 Saturday’s EWP session with Kristin Neff, PhD, & Sunny Smith, MD was AMAZING. Re: self compassion & saying words of kindness & support to yourself, I thought I’d share a magnet on my fridge that I bought years ago. Words Matter.Self talk matters. Having fierce self compassion is so important & so needed in … More Fierce Self Compassion

EntreMD Vision Retreat 2021

Most. AMAZING. Experience. New friends. New ideas. New Dreams. Overcoming obstacles. Committing to creating the life you want, have worked for, & deserve. Lifting each other. Celebrating wins. Sharing fears, insecurities, & recognizing we all experience similar thoughts & beliefs. Solidifying our whys. Planning our next steps as we reach, create, & journey toward our … More EntreMD Vision Retreat 2021

Expertise, Respect, & Boundaries

10/9/2021 This morning, while scrolling through social media, I encountered a resounding theme. Multiple physicians posting about being challenged, disrespected, & made to feel worthless by the very people they were trying to help: their own patients. Being brought to tears by the disrespect of patient’s family members. Physician expertise blatantly questioned. Advice ignored. Patients … More Expertise, Respect, & Boundaries


9/28/21 Currently my family member is hospitalized in LA for a non-COVID19 related medical issue. She’s in an overflow room with 14 other patients divided by curtains. She’s grateful so is calling it a “party room” as she’s extremely thankful to every overworked HCW helping care for her. She’s triple COVID19 vaccinated. She eats right, … More Mindset

It’s ok to not be ok

8/25/21 In scrolling through FB this morning, I came across a post by a fellow physician mama, in which she acknowledged she is not ok. She is struggling. And she’s sitting in the all the feelings, allowing them to wash over her, the bad, the hurt, the disgust, the anger, the hopelessness. Allowing, admitting & … More It’s ok to not be ok