Courage to Change: Become an Anti-Bully

This entry is inspired by Dr. Adam Harrison’s social media posts today, 11/18/22.



Making one feel worthless, unvalued, not enough.

Constantly berating & focusing on deficits rather than helping to improve & recognizing what’s done well PRIOR to pointing out potential areas needing improvement.

Being made to feel as if anything & everything you do is never ever enough.

Feeling worthless, lost, and without hope.

Bullying leads to burnout, to moral injury, to suicide.

Awareness is the first step.

Call out the bullying behavior

Let’s stop the bullies & lead with kindness.

Let’s create a culture in which our physician colleagues are valued, honored, & appreciated for their accomplishments.

As physicians we are part of the top achievers – only 3-7% of applicants are accepted into medical school. We are driven, capable, intelligent, worthy, life long learners wanting to succeed, help, serve, and heal.

Let’s honor and look out for one another.

If someone seems off, down, different, running behind, overly stressed, sad, acting out or more reserved – PAY ATTENTION and ASK if everything is ok.

ASK in order to HELP rather than judge, punish, and criticize.

Changing culture starts with individuals. You get to decide what is ok, and what is not to be tolerated.

Over 400 physicians die by suicide EVERY YEAR.

This Must Stop.

Stop the bullying behavior. Change the culture.

Let’s help heal our own so that we may continue to serve. ❣️

#EndBullying #ThisMustStop #MentalHealthMatters #AntiBullyingWeek2022 #Antibully #LeadByExample #BeAware #BeDiscerning #BeKind #Help #Heal #Support

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